These are my wedding favors to special guests.Sgt suka yg mcm purple tu.exclusive. Murah juga dpt.berusaha cari kat GM Plaza
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Gift for my special guest
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sweet Birthday
Dah cukup umur dh tahun ni.bertambah lagi usia.tahun dpn mcm tu kali ni lain sket sbb dah jadi wife orang.This year gonna be special.As i'm a wife parents already wish me earlier as we were far away.sedihnya.dalam phone je.kalo dulu boleh celebrate ngan family. beli kek,.buat kek ke.makan kat luar ke.tapi skang sbb duk sorang2 sini hubby pon jauh.Jadi fb la yang org2 special akan bg wish.thanks u ols yg telah wish!i appreciate it sooo much..terharu.And i will remember ur birthday too!!Hubby pon dah wish.He promised me to celebrate with me this Saturday.Can't wait.i want him to sing.bleh x nak dera suami nyanyi lagu birthday kat i?huhuhu.....skang ni x p mana2 pon,.kena study for i miss the old days.Hubby.come rescue me.(huhu)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Outdoor session:)
So much amazing pictures so little time to upload.Of course i'm having difficult time to choose many pictures for my photo album.Here are my outdoor session,taken at old Tasik Kuala Krai.Its an abandoned place where no one wants to take care of the place. People could only jog around and take a walk in the morning/evening.. I heard there is someone wants to revamp the place but i'm not quite sure when is it going to happen,.huhu,ye lah. Actually, i planned to take pics at bird's park.But,i cancelled it due to some reasons.At the end of the day, the results are still worth it.Even we were so damn exhausted, we could still have great pictures. Thanks to my OP, aween photoaura,.(puji lagi).grin!

Don't let the balloons away!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My Reception~
Its already 3 months 3 weeks we've been married.baru kuar gmba2 kat blog ?huhu,okla.Let the pictures do the talking.

Cantik melate my veil (puji veil sendiri..hahha)
Kasut customade dari Gavy, Maju Junction

bilik pengantin yang kawan2 ku tolong decorate.kalo yang asal dari butik dot dot dot tu?gelak je..



thank u so much huda helping me on this..sampai mati aku ingat.cara-cara dia tlg ada kat dlm blognya.hehe

Aween's pic mmg superb ah!

Tukar baju pon pkai kejap
Friday, October 1, 2010
Official wedding pics (solemnization)
Oh my..i neglected this blog for almost 1 month!.how "bz"i broadband always having prob.lembs sungguh!today i manage to upload my was ur raya?mesti best kan.. kalo dpt beraya ngan suami mesti lagi best..raya tahun ni raya kat kelate tauu.hihi.thanks hubby,So i managed to meet aween photoaura in KB..n i got my pics already.cantikk sgt.i'm soo happy when i got the album,.i had 3 album for akad, sanding n outdoor.semua lawa!.but aween told me that i could not get my storybook yet.He said that i need to wait until october.huuu..its long dapat gmba ni dulu pon ok.Here are some of the pics that included in the album:P

On the way

i'm a bit surprised when Papa asking me at this time,.."betul ke nak kawin dengan anis?"...

Officially married

Thank u guys for being there for me.sanggup datang jauh2 ..terharuu u ollss!
These people i love them very much. They helped me a lot!i couldn't thanked them enough..

The most i love~
Oh..There are so many pics i want to put here.Credits to aween photoaura for making this happen..i'm so fortunate to hire him as my OP.Later i'll put some more pics ok..daaa
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