When the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year..n not to be forgotten, the fireworks.this new year i didnt hang out like everone else did, i just stayed at my house and celebrate new year with my housemates.diorg masak banyak gila tgh mlm.,skang ni pon ngantok lah.
Actually i'm kinda tired too due to long journey from kl to klang with train.penat la ramai orang sangat.n sangat penat tgk karenah orang2 dlm train tu.tambah depressed with baki ptptn ku yang tertunggak coz i studied kpli n could not afford to pay back.
Nak jadi cite masa tgh sedih2 n penat tggu train lama, akhirnya tiba la train yg nk ke klang.While i was entering the train dgn siap beraturnya datang la nenek india n cucu lelakinya menolak2 org nk masuk cepat.siap lnggar2 aku lg..bengangnya.Due to so many passengers today, that nenek could not get a seat..hmm.me too,.i stand beside her n her grandson who could not stop talking2 along that journey.,with the language which confirm i could not understand.tertekann.Bila dh lama tu barulah diorg dapat duduk..but in separate seats.i also got a seat.Then,maybe this boy felt so boring he started eating MAMEE.takpelah.biasala budak kan suka mamee.Yg x bestnye tu, bila dh abih mkn die tanya neneknya nk buang mana,.si nenek tu bgtau dlm bahasanya buang la ikut suka hati.si budak tu dgn selamba lah n buat muke bodoh buang kat bwh kerusinya,,,sakitnya matakuuu.aku jegil la mata kat die,tp buat bodoh..rase nk pukul je. n geramnya neneknya sgt x ada kesedaran sivik btull,.,.i hate this kind of old generation who could not teach their young about environment or taking care of facilities. i felt like a teacher want to scold this boy including his nenek.tp x berani la plak.sbb die nenek tua,heee.geram2...nk new year pon geram..ohh,.
plz la.jgn la buang sampah di merata2 ok
oklah..just to wish all of u a very happy new year :) n dont forget to pay ur debts especially ptptn..dont be like me..nk abis gaji td byr bnyk.huuhu