Oh..my internet semakin jadi lembab!jadi update ntahape2..adoiiyaiii..takpalah..nih nak story pasal last nite i made pizza for our dinner.It is quick and very easy to do.Just follow simple recipe and wallaaa..u'll have your homade pizza.Besides, its healthy too.I didn't put too many cheese to cut the calories. Nowadays i need to take care of my hubby's tummy :p.Here i put the pictures too to feast your eyes.

Here i write the recipe. Senang untuk para isteri yang malas nak masak banyak lauk.Perfecto.
Pizza dough (for large pizza):
- 200 ml water
- 1 tbsp olive oil (optional)
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- 1 3/4 tsp yeast
I pakai sesedap rasa je sebenarnya.tapi jadik la jugak.huhu.the yeast kena mix dengan warm water and let it berbuih sampai 15 minit gitu.Then, mix it with the flour. Cover the dough dengan tuala lembap sampai jadi double size.
The topping:
- olive oil
- garlic
- onion
- meatball
- sausage
- diced tomatoes
- Prego pasta sauce
- Italian herbs (optional)
- Peppers
- Mozzarella cheese (i used low fat)
- Grated cheddar
The choice for topping actually depends on you.If you like seafood, you can alter it.Cooking is fun!
Bakar pizza about 20 minutes.then, ngap makan la.
Lagi story nak cite.malam lepas makan i ajak hubby gi watson kat sunway.sbb konon nak dapat double points.tengok2 ada jualan mega 70% less kat situ. Dapat la baju berkenan di hati.jumpa baby tee tokidoki!!!hihi..best ke?sebab very cheapp okk.baby tee x smpai 10 hengget pon. yang biru tu he mahai sikit.tu pon Rm10 je,tu yang best.;p

Oh.i love cheap stuff but ada BRAND.yeeeahh!