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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lulus berpindah ke penang

I've got transferred to penang.tp blom tau sekolah mana.Hope the new school will be great too.Oh.i'm gonna miss convent school.I've been teaching there for three years.Its my first school after posting.Although the school is small but i like the environment, the teachers, the pupils..(all girls ok)..Love the spirit of convent!n their motto too.

pic taken from google

p/s: nak wat macam mana kena pindah juge dr sekolah ini coz my hubby duk penang la pulak.takpelah,berhijrah la dulu.mana tau ada rezeki dan kehidupan lebih baik?Hope everything goes well.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brazilian wax has changed my life

Haven't tried brazilian wax?x penah?kalo x penah,..rasa takutt x?ngeri?rase nak cube?or u say no no no millions no?semua itu saya tau di minda anda.huhu.cuba laa try kalo anda mau gebu gituu..huhu.dah.rina jgn merepek.meh i promote kat u ols pasal benda baru i cuba.huhu,.bagi i first time la ckp benda baru..memandangkan eksperimen i ni sudah berlaku sebulan yg lalu,.jadi nak kena korek balik fail brazillian wax dlm kepala otak ....biase la.rina mmg malas sikit nk update blog.haha.time free boleh aa.

Ok.Before i got married i am desperately searching all the topics about brazillian wax n i already went to strip, bangsar(die punye web cute gile) to find out their service.usha2 la sket n tnya beberapa soalan sebelum btul2 ready.dahla lagi seminggu lagi mau kawen jadi p la tanya.coz i rajin google i dpt info yg bulu2 that area will grow back after a week..so i tanya btul ke x?the staff said yes..it will grow back but depends on that person.Usually after a week it grow back..oh!i nk gebu tp dlm masa seminggu je apa kejadah.dah laa mahai.RM114.50 tau utk complete gebu,.adoii..coz i x duduk kl nk kena balik kelate.kg i mana la ade strip tu.nti kalo buat pastu seminggu kendian grow bnyk wat rugi je.jadi i pon x jadii laa buat.

Then lepas beberapa bulan kawen baru terasa nk buat jugak.rase x tertahan lagi.ahah.gilo.jadik dgn bantuan review dari rakan baikku yg juge femes blogger huda i gagahkan diri pergi jugeHuda buat before die kawen..i buat after kawen??hahaha..tapi i x g bangsar..i decided to strip all of it at the curve coz it is nearer to my place rather than bangsar.orite.jadi mungkin ada yg tertinggal info tu korang bleh tgk post yg telah dibuat oleh huda. This is just my version.hihihi

I made an appointment before i go.Makesure u make an appointment before u go. Apt can be made by walk in or by phone.They were very nice in the phone too..credit!My appointment was on Thursday, 6pm .wahh wahh

Suka iklan2 the strip ni.hahaha.tetibe ade orang utan..maksud tersirat gambar ni ialah jgn biarkan ur xxx mcm bulu org utan!bnyk lagi gamba comel2 the strip ni.korang bleh gi tengok
i pon ade report jugak kat huda i gi sini.die teruja!hahaha.siap post kat fb..pecah rahsia aku tau.

Masuk2 je dlm strip diorg suh i tunggu sat diorg nak prepare brg2 . I told them i want to do complete all off hard wax yg berharga rm114.50 itu.hehe.Ok.The waxer dh panggil masuk private room .lupe nak tangkap gmba bilik.tp cam biase la mcm kat salon high class gitu.ade closet utk hang ur pants..keep ur things..n etc.The waxer suh bukak pants n die bagi benda di bawah ini..

Ini adalah wet tissue untuk di bwh itu before the process. Then, the waxer will ketuk pintu n ask are u ready?huuu..yeesss ..i'm ready (takut2).i dh siap lie down kat bed tu.rase conscious giler ngan half naked..omg!tetiba maluu .takkan nk lari pulak kata x nak x nak..huuhu.tah2 die dh tgk beratus org punya kot.so reda je utk cantik! The waxer is young..but profesional ok.Through the process she will put on latex glove and mask. She examined the area and potong utk kesesuaian kepanjangan.rasenya kena at least 0.5 cm panjang tau.huhuhu!so pastikan panjang dulu.wakaka.Then.. She used a spatula to put the wax..wax tu rase warm2 n sebelum tu die mesti tanya ok x tahap kepanasan tu kt kite,.bile kite rase ok then process seterusnya letak kain atas wax yg telah diletak n die akan ajar kita utk breathe in n breathe out.wahh.cam beranak gitu! Bile breathe out je,,..zappppp!!ouchhhh!ape rasenye??sakit juge lah.tapi bearable.Mcm huda ckp kalo beranak pompuan boleh takkan nk wax sikit pon x leh tahan?hahaha.first time wehh.mmg gitu.

After she work on the top area and the lips..bape kali i ouch ouch dah,she asked me to meniarap. Part ni paling scary..(dlm pikiran..x sangka plk kena situ)..haa..the waxer pon bersihkan juga bahagian ini.ingatkan sakit.tpi x sakit langsung la situ..penat je tertekan.huhuhu

Oh..sambil2 melayan perasaan masa proses tu korang tgk la kat dinding depan,.ade kata2 hikmah to bring u comfort.As for me i always read on this word by Gwyneth Paltrow.

My session complete by half an hour.cepat je,Orang tu pun akan check tgk mana yg tertinggal die akan guna tweezer. The waxer suggested to me if i want to apply the mask on it or not?She said the mask will help to soothe the area and avoid the discomfort. It also protect from ingrown hair.The price is RM30.(agak2..lupa).Coz first time buat jadi agree je lah.mmg btul2 bwk duit utk itu je ok.

Lepas berjaya buat brazilian wax i sambut kejayaan i dekat subway.oh..calming.nasib baik ade duit btul2 utk subway.tinggal lah duit 20 sen je dlm purse.huhuhuh.

A guide for "waxing virgins" by Ow Shin Yann

1. If you shave, you have to wait about three weeks for optimum hair growth before waxing. This shows best result as the hair length would be just right to be gripped by the wax.

2. Avoid places that double dip as it is very unhygienic. (Double dipping is when you apply the wax onto your body and then reuse the spatula by re-dipping it into the pot of wax! That's not just unclean but it's too gross to even imagine!

3. After your waxing experience, make sure that you go back and bathe with cold water to close your pores to prevent ingrown hair.

4. Exfoliating the waxed area twice a week with a scrub would also be a good way to ensure that you don't face the problem of ingrown hair, but do not exfoliate on the first day as it might irritate the area.

My scale of 1 to 10 on how much does brazillian wax hurt?
The answer is 5. I felt i want to do it again! ahahaha.x rase trauma pon ok?x tau la org lain.i want to try other salon which is cheaper. If u are first timer i suggest u to go to Strip as they were very professional.it is advisable to do brazilian wax once per month.The waxer in Strip advise me not to shave the area so the hair will not turn out to be too thick n protect the skin from being darker,.ok.i heard u.i x sabar lagi nk buat bln ini pule

There are several salons in kl which u can try.

Honeypot wax boutique (i want to try them too based on good review)
Ozmosis Spa, bangsar
salon2 di bangsar juga.explore lah.i nk gi bangsar lagi.ade jumpa yg rm50 je

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oreo cheesecake anyone?

They said time flies when you're having fun..its true,.the last few months have disappeared in the blink of an eye.I've been married for more than 4 months now.huhu,.So i can see a little bit difference of me..getting fatter!haha,.since i got married, i always craving for something.patutla org cakap lepas kawen mesti naik badan.huuu.but i cannot resist it. My hubby said my figure is better now than previous,huh! haha.coz the last time i was skinny..(i like being skinny);p.At the same time i tried to diet.But it hasn't been too successful~because i love food way too much!

Therefore, on last holiday (raya deepavali) i was so eager to bake a cheese cake..So i tried to bake a small portion of cheesecake because i'm afraid it would not turn out nicely.Then I tried to google a few recipes on the net too.I tried this one but i main hentam je coz i just want to do trial n error je kan.The actual recipe nya nk kena guna bnyk ingredients..Seriously the result was damn good!.first time buat dah rase cake mcm secret recipe.x ke bangga?hahaha..nk berlari ke langit dah(gelak).kek itu habis dengan sekejapnya..! here are the actual recipe if u want to try at home..:)

The base:
200 g oreo cookie crumbs
3-4 tsp melted butter

750 g cream cheese
130 g caster sugar (maybe 3/4 cup-i estimate)
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs
1/3 cup whipping cream
15 oreo cookies (depends on u)

How to do?
Blend the cookies for the base to make cookie crumbs.Mix with the melted butter.Then put in the oven for 15 minutes in 160°C.

For the filling, in bowl of your electric mixer, beat the cream cheese with sugar, vanilla essence, eggs and whipping cream. Mix with the cookies.. Bake the cheesecake using a water bath method for 40-50 minutes in160°C .A water bath to keep the oven moisture high and the heat gentle. (A water bath is using a larger pan containing water in which to place the smaller cheesecake baking pan.) Turn your oven off and leave your cheesecake for another hour( let the oven open a bit. Only then refrigerated the cake for at least 6 hours,.As for me i leave it for one night.

cheesecake ni dibuat dengan main hentam je coz i bought only 1 pack of cream cheese.So pandai2 estimate dari recipe asal di atas.haha.tengoklah rupanya.kek main2.tapi rasa mcm kek secret recipe..haha..exaggerate.I'll try to do again later with more luscious looks when i'm free!yes,.holiday is coming baby..

p/s: what should i bake next?